Monday, March 18, 2013

taking notes

Okay.  Just in case (and I so hope not) I have to do another ivf cycle, I want to sort of take some notes on what's happening with this cycle.

I started doing Lupron shots a month ago (10).  Went down to 5.  Got my period.  Stayed at five.  Did 2 Delestrogen butt shots.  Started Menapur (3 vials and estradiol suppositories or "vagina burgers") 2 and a half weeks ago.  On Sat. they had just started to grow with a 14 lead... (I'd switched from stomach shots to top of thigh shots to aid absorption).  Today I have about 19 eggs; an 18, five 17s, eight 16s, three 15s, two 14s...  it looks good.  My lining has been good this whole time and it's now a 12.  Doc thinks the estrogen primer (delestrogen) slowed my response/helped my lining.  I'm set for retrieval either Thurs. or Friday.  It looks... GOOD.  I'm hopeful, excited.  Will feel better after tomorrow's appt when I hopefully get the ok to trigger, will feel better when I wake up from ER to hear that they actually got eggs... and so on and so on til I bring home a healthy baby.

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