Thursday, March 28, 2013

ET was yesterday

Our fertilization report from day 3 was:

1 good embryo, 1 fair and 5 poor.  They can always change for better or worse.  The night before ET we went over possible scenarios that could be sprung on us at ET.  We could get a call not to bother coming in cause they'd all fizzled out.  We could have a hard choice of only having one to freeze (and genetically test).  We could have a few good ones and have to decide how many to put back, 1 or 2.  Really don't want twins.  Don't know if I can carry them.  Really don't want a failed ivf cycle.  I found myself feeling angry that I had to be conservative with how many to put back because I not only have a shitty fertility lot.  But I have a shitty pregnancy lot.  I felt like I was being doubly punished.  Wah wah wah.  Back to the charming personality of an IVFer.  Anyway, we showed up for transfer.  Found out only 2 embryos survived... one good and one okay.  Our doc felt like though he couldn't guarantee anything, it was less likely for us to have twins with 2 (especially these two) than most folks cause, in simple terms, it was less likely for us to get preg than most folks cause we were coming into it with poor sperm, mostly poor eggs, a history of shit... and 24 eggs that lead to 2 embryos.  So we put them both back.  Despite the disappointing nature of this cycle... I was thrilled to have something to put back and we really just need one to work.  Hope it's one of these.